3 Louisiana Insurance Adjuster Continuing Education Facts

Continuing education is a crucial component of the insurance industry. It ensures that insurance professionals stay updated with the latest regulations, best practices, and industry trends. In Louisiana, it is required for an insurance adjuster to complete continuing education courses to maintain their licenses. It is crucial to choose a school that will meet the state’s mandates while also fitting in with your busy schedule. The online courses offered by Bob Brooks School provide a thorough review of topics required by the state on your schedule. Here are three things you should know about your continuing education requirements. 

Mandatory Education Hours

Louisiana law mandates that an insurance adjuster must go through continuing education by finishing a certain number of hours to renew their licenses. Louisiana Department of Insurance states that licensed adjusters must complete 24 hours of continuing education every two years. This must be done to remain in good standing with the government. These hours must include at least three hours of ethics training as part of the total 24-hour requirement.

This underscores the state’s commitment to ensuring that insurance adjusters are well-informed and educated about their responsibilities within the industry. It also emphasizes the importance of ethics in the insurance profession.


A Louisiana insurance adjuster must comply with reporting requirements to document their completion of continuing education. Adjusters are responsible for keeping records of their completed courses. They must submit proof of their continuing education hours to the Louisiana Department of Insurance during the renewal process. Failure to comply with these reporting requirements can result in license suspension or other penalties.

Approved Providers and Course Content

The Louisiana Department of Insurance regulates the content and providers of continuing education courses for insurance adjusters. Adjusters must ensure that the Department approves the courses they take. The courses cover various topics relevant to the insurance industry, including updates on laws and regulations, industry trends, and claims-handling techniques. Louisiana law specifies that continuing education courses must be offered by approved providers. This ensures the quality and relevance of the education provided to adjusters. 

Complete Your Insurance Adjuster Continuing Education Today

Ongoing learning is pivotal in the insurance sector. It guarantees that insurance experts remain informed about the most recent regulations, optimal approaches, and industry developments. In the state of Louisiana, an insurance adjuster must engage in continuous education programs to uphold their licensing. It is imperative to select an educational institution that aligns with the state’s requirements and accommodates your hectic timetable. 

Bob Brooks School is here to help make continuing your education as easy as possible. Contact us today on our website or give us a call at 225-292-7277 to let us know how we can help. Get started on your state license renewal process today!

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