How To Become A Real Estate Agent In Louisiana During COVID

As the COVID pandemic continues to reshape many facets of the world, budding real estate agents are questioning if they should put off their education for now. We understand that this is a valid concern and health and safety is a priority. But, we are also here to help you find a way to adjust to the “new normal” and work towards becoming a real estate agent in Louisiana. 

Where You Need To Begin

When it comes to starting a career in real estate, you need to begin with your pre-licensing education. Thanks to today’s technology, online real estate schools are becoming more widely known and more accessible every day. And with COVID restrictions in Louisiana, online real estate schools like Bob Brooks School are more important than ever. So don’t worry if you can’t attend a traditional brick-and-mortar school. Instead, do yourself a favor and begin your education online from the comfort of your own home. You can get your education while avoiding any unnecessary exposure. 

Online pre-licensing courses are basically the same as brick-and-mortar schools. According to the LREC, students need 90 hours of education before they can take their licensing exam. Fortunately, you have the choice to take all of hours in person or online.

Changes To Be Aware Of

All of the real estate exams are taken at PSI centers. That is to say, in person. However, due to COVID concerns, PSI is taking proper precautions to combat the spread and has a list of what facilities are open, which updates daily. Take a look before you schedule your exam. They also suggest that test-takers contact them regarding availability and scheduling by emailing But be aware that due to volume, their response may take up to a week.

Additionally, each center is following a set of precautions for the test center itself, employees, and candidates. Test-takers are required to bring a health questionnaire sent to you when you schedule your exam and your own face mask. Please be aware that these masks will come off for a moment to check ID. Additionally, you have the choice to wear gloves during the duration of your exam. Gloves and masks cannot be removed until you’re outside the center. Please also be aware that masks at the center are for the employees, and if you do not bring yours, you will be turned away at the door. A good way to remember to bring it is to place it with your keys and wallet. After all, no one wants to have to reschedule their test! 

Find Out More About How To Become A Real Estate Agent In Louisiana

At Bob Brooks School, we invest in your success. Because of that, we want to give you the best chance you have to be the best real estate agent you can. And, this is not only for yourself but for your future clients. Don’t settle for less, and enroll in Bob Brooks School today.

Discover more content just like this on our blog or at our podcast, Brent Presents. Our professionals are always looking to provide you up-to-date and helpful information. On that note, if you have a question as well, don’t be afraid to give us a call at 225.292.7277 or send us a message online. We can’t wait to help find the right path for YOU. 

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